I have said in the past that I want to have a heart for others and then do something about it. Well, we finally did something about having a heart for the lost in Africa. Justin and I have started to sponsor a child from DRAWN FROM WATER, an orphanage in Ethiopia who’s mission is to rescue and provide the best possible future for children who have been deemed “mingi” and sentenced to death by their tribes. Some of our friends are also supporting this ministry, including Rick and Kendra, and Pat and Melissa from AlasktoAfrica. Here is a picture of the little boy that we just started to sponsor. Our donation only covers a tenth of what he needs and there are many more children that need sponsored. I was so excited to get started, I even made and ordered a photo prayer book (with my cool iPhoto software) that I can go through with Jordan and Rylie and pray for each child as we look at their picture. We even went out today and got some gifts to send him. We are praying that Musse will give his life to Christ and that God will use him for His glory. We pray that through his suffering, God would show Himself in mighty ways. We ultimately pray that the tribes people will be won for Christ and that no more children will be in need of rescue. Praise God for Musse's life and the lives of all the children in the orphanage. Praise God, also for the people He is using day in and day out as they serve these children. We pray for God's power and strength to continue in the fight.