I found this great site
The Moffatt Girls where I found a ton of great curriculum for Jordan. I was getting stuck on what to teach her because a lot of stuff that I was finding was more for maybe 3 year olds, stuff that she already knows. So, schooling kind of took a back seat for the past month or so. But when I found this site, I was excited to get started again. This week, we started our first lessons with sight words (I, and, the, a, see) and word families (-at family). The information for this unit is supposed to be for one week (or maybe two) but it will take us much longer. This is because we're only doing "school" 2, maybe 3, times a week. I've learned that I have to be flexible, especially when I have Dr. appointments (which, by the way, have started occurring now every 2 weeks...yikes, we're getting close to having #3!) and other things that come up each week that will throw our schedule off. Speaking of schedule, I've been thinking and planning hard to find one that works for us, and I think I've finally got one! Just in time for it to be completely changed when baby brother arrives!
Anyway, here it is in case you care!
6:00-7:00-- Get up and make Justin's lunch and have a quiet time before girls wake up (not always great at getting up early, but trying to be).
7:00-7:30--Girls wake up and we get some snuggle time.
7:30-8:00--Get dressed and ready for the day.
8:00-9:00--Make and eat breakfast. During breakfast, read from the Bible, practice memory verses, and pray for kids without mommies and daddies. Clean up kitchen.
9:00--Start "school" for Jordan, unless we have a Dr. appointment, gymnastics, other obligation, or "field trip" to the zoo, library, exploration place, etc. We've been saying the Pledge of Allegiance to start us off.
10:00-10:30--Some sort of P.E. type stuff, like practicing gymnastics or going outside to run and play.
After 10:30--school is "over" and we can run errands as needed, like go to the grocery store.
1:00--naps for all!
Afternoon--my time to clean house. My goal is to get at least one chore done per day (sweeping and mopping the floor, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom). Still haven't figured out the laundry yet, though.
After naps--free time to play, do a craft, or do some baking. Girls will often get to watch a video from netflix while I prepare dinner.
Here is a picture of our school/craft area. That little table has been, by far, the best kid item we own. Justin's mom gave it to us. By the way, that table is never this clean! I made a little bulletin board this week using a frame and ribbon so we could have a "word wall." Isn't it cute? Now I just have to hang it on the wall.