We celebrated Christmas with my side of the family the weekend before Christmas. We had our 2nd annual soup and sandwich dinner, with a story read by Aunt Lorie, and gift exchange.

This is our nephew Duncan's first Christmas with us. He got to be the first to open a gift.

My mom and princess Rylie. She thinks a "pretty princess" dress is a must when there's music to dance to.

My mom got Jordan a Jessie doll!

The next pictures are from Christmas with Justin's side of the family. Every year, we go to his sister Stacie's house and spend the night Christmas Eve. We are spoiled with ribs and shrimp for dinner, and then open presents from each other in the evening. Then Santa (over)fills the stockings after the kids go to bed.

Jordan and Rylie got a lot of doll house accessories this year.

Rylie is "helping" her older cousin Jake open his present. Rylie was a bit attached to both Jake and Luke...they are great older cousins that loved on her well! One time she was looking for Jake, but was saying Luke. We said, "There's Luke, right beside you." She looked up and said, "Where's the other Luke?" The boys look more alike than their sisters that are twins do:)

Justin, his sister, and niece Hope all cuddled up with the girls Christmas morning. Hope and Madison are also GREAT older cousins that take care of Jordan and Rylie very well.

With only about 6 hours of sleep the night before, the girls were all tuckered out by the time they got home. It's almost 4:00 right now, and they're STILL asleep. Notice their beloved toy story dolls. Justin's mom got Rylie the Woody doll, so now they each have one.
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