Here's our finished graph of animal tracks. I think the fox? dog? cat? tracks are actually badger tracks. I'm pretty sure we saw some burrows for them along one of the trails. Reality check: I was way more into this activity than the girls:) Neither one cared too much about sorting the cards. But, as soon as I got the glue out, I couldn't keep their little hands away!

Then, we decided to make sugar cookies. I will look back at this post in the future if I ever think it might be *fun* to make sugar cookies again. It was not fun! It was harder than I ever imagined and a ton more time consuming! Way to go, Kendra, for all those cookies you have ever made! I had no idea how much work you did! I'm sure the kids would have had more fun had I not been so grouchy and irritated: "No, Rylie, you cannot eat all the dough you dropped on the ground! (which she ended up doing anyway!)," "No, Rylie, you do not dump the entire container of sprinkles on ONE cookie!", "Jordan, just let mommy do it!" You get the idea. So, this is the real me. Don't let my posts of only the *good* things deceive you!

We made more cookies than these, but I "quit" and these are the only ones that got iced and decorated. It was enough to share at small group last night:)
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