There is no theme here, just a couple lessons. I want to focus on numbers with Jordan this week, and colors with Rylie. The first picture shows a graph of the leaves we collected yesterday. We sorted them and glued them on the poster. Then Jordan counted them. I learned that she could tell me which column had the "most" leaves, but she did not know what the word "least" meant. Then there were two columns that were the "same."
A little side note: I'm learning that Jordan and Rylie learn different ways. Rylie loves manipulatives and *doing* things with her hands (a lot like Justin). Jordan is much more the typical "sit and get" kind of student and really likes listening and doing worksheet type stuff (a lot like me, though I really like hands on stuff too!).
Here is Rylie sorting colored blocks. I learned that she just wasn't getting me *telling* her what color things were. So, I decided to have her do a simple colored block sorting. I wasn't sure of her skill level, so I started with just one color. I asked her to find all the red blocks and put them on the red paper. She did that pretty easily, so then I put out the rest of the colored paper and she sorted them very well. Every time she put a block on a color, I said the color to get it into her brain. Eventually, I want to get to where she can pull out a a blue (or red, or green, or whatever color) just by me saying the name of the color.

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