Bo, you are 2 months old today! You have been such a blessing and a source of joy, more than I ever expected. Here are some things you've been up to this past month:
--You started smiling on the day you turned 6 weeks! You love to smile for us girls especially:)
--At four weeks your baby acne was REALLY bad, but then it started clearing up at five weeks. You still have a little bit on your face and a lot on your chest.
--You have become unpredictable with your nightly schedule. Over the past month, you've gone from waking up once a night, to waking up every 3 hours, to sleeping a long 7 hours, then back to waking up every 3-4 hours. I never want to get up with you, but once I do, your sweetness melts my heart and I just love picking you up and cuddling you in my arms. You are worth it:)
--You still poop all the time, even at night, so it takes longer to get you to go back to sleep after being completely woken up during a diaper change.
--You have been wearing size 1 diapers since about 5 weeks. Pampers newborns didn't last that long, but walmart-brand newborns did. Which, by the way, I actually liked better than Pampers and they were much cheaper:)
--You still love the changing table and you like to have your diaper changed--just like Jordan did.
--You are very easy-going most of the time. You are a lot like Jordan was as a baby in this regard.
--You are more like Rylie, though, when you sleep because any somewhat loud noise wakes you up.
--You are developing a more predictable daytime routine. You like to take a longer late morning nap and a longer late afternoon nap and then go to bed around 8:00-8:30. You still take a few cat naps in between, but you're slowly getting away from those.
--I was a little sad when you outgrew your newborn clothes. As you can see in the pictures, you are filling out your 0-3 month clothes very well.
--I'm not sure how much you weigh. I'll update your stats on Thursday after your checkup. UPDATE: you weigh 11 lbs 7 oz. The small weight gain is likely due to you being sick with a cold and/or fever for 10 days. You are 23 1/4 inches long. Your head circumference is 15.8 inches.

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