I'm learning a lot about early childhood education these days. Below is a picture of Jordan working on spelling some CVC words. We've been doing this for several months and I never knew what CVC meant until just a few days ago...consonant-vowel-consonant. Good to know.
I love to see Jordan grasp new concepts and skills. It seems that all of a sudden it clicked with her that words are made up of letters that actually mean something. She knew words started with letters--like ball starts with B--but the rest of the letters were just letters. Until one day not too long ago, she started actually sounding out the letters in the words. It was so cool to see! She went from recognition to understanding. Below, she is sounding out each word and figuring out which letter to write next.
Below is some handwriting practice. I'm trying to teach her to write only the first letter of the name with a capital letter. (All of that is Jordan's writing, none of it is mine. Guess how long it takes her to try and write every letter perfectly? I keep telling her that her teachers may not be as patient as her mommy.)
Here's a sorting/pattern activity. The girls helped punch out some shapes and then make a pattern with them. Jordan made up her own patterns. Rylie just started gluing:)

The girls took turns with our little letter magnets thing. Jordan practiced spelling different CVC words, and Rylie practiced learning her letters.
Remember when I said I would NEVER make sugar cookies again? Well, it's been long enough that the "fun" of it is not fresh in my brain so I tried it again. But this time, I left a certain little person out of the fun (she was taking a nap) and it went SO much better. The cookies are amazing--one of my pinterest finds:) Here's the recipe. I may even make them again soon!

Sometime in the next week or two, I'm going to do an anatomy unit with the girls. I think it will be fun! So stay tuned for updates on that...

This stay at home mom stuff totally suits you! It looks like you're having a blast and loving getting to love on your girls. It is exciting to see how much Jordan, especially, is learning.
It really has been great! Thanks Courtney!
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