I grew up loving animals, taking care of them in a small town in Southern Iowa. My parents still live on the farm that has been in our family for 150 years or so. These are pictures of one of my bottle calves, named Lucky. She was born c-section, and since her mother died, I got to be her momma. Morning and night (and often in between) I was there taking care of her. This is something that I am sad my girls will most likely not get a chance to do. Farm life will be foreign to them, except when they visit my parents a few times a year. It was a great opportunity for me to learn responsibility and caring for things other than myself. Yes, my kids could get a dog...but there's just something special about the work on a farm.
Lucky, when I was around 11 or 12 years old. I used to let her "kiss" me by letting her suck on my cheek.

Though there's no bottle in the picture here, the puppies would always lick up the milk that didn't make it into the calves' mouths.

This is Lucky as a momma herself. It looks like I was 19 in this picture.
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