
Monday, March 31, 2008

Oh my!

Jordan is learning to move around.  She is "crawling" all over!  She pulls herself along with her hands and kicks her feet behind her.  It kind of looks like she's swimming.  Anyway, she found the shelf with DVD's and VHS tapes on it.  She scrambled over to it and started pulling them off with such glee!  Doesn't she look so proud?  Her first real mess!  Too bad she doesn't know how to clean up.  

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Big Studs!

Justin and our friend Will Harrington installing the shelves they made this summer/fall (I can't really remember!) in our dining room.  They are beautiful!   A big thanks to Alisha (Will's wife) for giving up time with Will when he was working on our shelves (soon after they just had twin girls!)  

Thursday, March 6, 2008

6th Month Appointment 3-6-08

Justin took Jordan to the doctor today for her 6th month appointment.   She's average in height and weight, but she must have the Neill-size head--she's in the 90th or 95th percentile for head circumference!  (Justin said 9oth, but when I checked the chart, it looks like the I'm not sure which one is right)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Little Cousins

Jordan and Hunter (born on the same day!) at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  In the third picture are Claire (My cousin Justin's baby girl), Hunter, and Jordan.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Jordan loves playing peak-a-boo.  Really, it's called "Where's Jordan?...There she is!" and we use a blanket to cover her up.  She was just having a blast!