
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easter Egg Hunting

Jordan didn't get to hunt for Easter eggs on Easter, so we did it today. She's got some crazy hair going on, and a huge smile! You may wonder why I don't post more pictures of Jordan, but it's because she won't ever let me take her picture. This smiling pic is very rare!

Good Friends

Tyler and Marie are good friends of ours that are moving from Wichita. This was their last week here, so we had one last party with them and some other friends. We got to spend some time praying for them as they start this new journey. We are going to miss them a ton, but we are also excited for what God is doing in their lives.

Beautiful Marie!
The guys tackled Tyler and eventually gave him a MAJOR wedgie.

Easter 2010

The Neill Grandkids. The Moody kids were a bit moody during this picture:)

The Neill clan.