
Sunday, May 23, 2010

More of the girls

Jordan finally let me take her picture and even said "cheese!"
A rare moment of Rylie sitting still (just for second!) tonight.
Jordan practicing sharing by helping Rylie get a drink of Jordan's water. Rylie is perfectly capable of doing it herself, but I think Jordan just didn't want to give up the sippy cup completely.

Play Time

Rylie is tackling Jordan which is something she loves to do. Jordan sometimes thinks it's fun, but Rylie ALWAYS thinks it's fun! We love to see them play and have fun together.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rylie is 1!!!!

Well, she'll be 1 on Monday anyway! Rylie is such a joyful baby, completely living up to her nickname "Smiley Rylie"! She totally knows how to have fun and we love hanging out with her. She's a busy, busy baby and does not know how to sit still or cuddle. She loves to wrestle, though, so that's how I can get my cuddles!

At 1 year old, these are some facts about Rylie:
  • Only weighs about 18 lbs (around the 20th percentile--I think?)
  • Is still using her baby carrier car seat (we'll get a new one soon, I promise!)
  • Loves to clap and dance
  • Can wave and say "bye-bye"
  • Other words she can say at the appropriate times: ball, mamma, dadda, uh-oh
  • Can walk holding onto whatever she can make move (like the chair in the pic below)
  • Gets SO excited and crawls as fast as she can to see who just came in the door
  • Is more of a mommy's girl than a daddy's (I kind of like that fact!)
  • Eats better than I knew a baby could eat (nothing like her big sister). She'll eat anything you put in front of her.
  • LOVES bath time and cracks herself up as she splashes as much as she can.
  • Still grabs and puts everything in her mouth
Happy Birthday Rylie! You are such a sweet girl!