
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Books I've Recently Read

I've never really been a reader. Throughout school (college) I had the mindset that since I didn't even have time to read the textbooks that were assigned to me, then I certainly didn't have time to read for pure enjoyment. I couldn't even get through the gripping accounts of cellular processes in molecular cell biology (input sarcastic tone here), how could I possibly try to add on a book that had nothing to do with my grade whatsoever. Well, my life has changed quite a bit since college. I've found that I love to read...even more than watching TV...which is quite the surprise, as my parents like to remind me that the only thing I've wanted since I was 2 years old was a TV in my room. Maybe I'm becoming more and more like my mom. I remember my mom curled up with a good book and chips and salsa, while the rest of the family rotted our minds on TV. Now I'm beginning to see what was always so fascinating in the pages of those books.

Here's a list of the books I've read recently, most of which I got for Christmas (books were the only things on my list). I would totally recommend all of them. The Jesus Freaks books are not a new read, but made the list because I like to go back and re-read some of the stories. They really put your life in perspective.


"Same Kind of Different as Me" Great story of how God uses you if you just do what he asks.


"The Imam's Daughter" Oh my goodness, you have to read this. This book is moving me to action. I can't sit back and live in my own little world anymore.


"Jumping through fires" Great story of how God orchestrates the events in our lives and how He uses people to further His kingdom.


"Tortured for Christ" A MUST read for anyone that claims to be a part of the body of Christ. You can't sit back and do nothing. Pray for the persecuted church. Pray also for their persecutors to come to know Christ by the example of agape love demonstrated by the very people they torture.


"Jesus Freaks I and II" Amazing testimonies of God working in the lives of people that truly gave their lives to Christ. Life is not about me.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Little Bible

We were getting stuff ready to send to "our boy" in Africa and Jordan decided she wanted to give him all of her books. Here's a picture her getting them ready:) Since we couldn't really send him all those books, Jordan decided to give him her most special book, her little Bible. I pray that little Bible will be instrumental in the life of "our boy" and that he will learn of his Father's love and salvation through Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Sweet Girls!

Rylie's cheesy smile is too much!

Another Snow Day!

Yes, that is Rylie's mitten on the ground. She is incapable of keeping them on. In every picture, she seems to be wondering why her hands are so cold!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Impromptu Photo Shoot: Rylie

Rylie was a bit more cooperative...however, there are no pictures of her smiling...I couldn't get her to smile and hold the camera and get a clear picture at the same time. Taking pictures of children is a little challenging!

Impromptu Photo Shoot: Jordan

Here are some pictures of Jordan as I was trying to learn how to use my camera. She was willing to sit in the chair, but that's about it:)