This has been one of the craziest months in a long time--crazy good!
...sold a house
...bought an awesome house!
...unpacked (sort of--we're still working on it!)
...Justin started work at his new school
...Jordan started Kindergarten at Justin's school!
...We're preparing to go to a new church
...Justin's leading the youth at the new church
...I decided to also help with the youth
...Bo turned 7 months (I hope he's not 8 months before I write a post on it!)
...Jordan turns 5 next Friday
That's all I can think of right now
So, let's start with Jordan starting Kindergarten. Her first day was Thursday, August 16th. We have both been super excited for her to start school! I have no doubt that she will be a great student; God seemed to have made her to be that kind of kid. We prepared for the beginning of school by spending a fun day going back to school shopping while we were visiting my parents in Iowa. I always loved going back to school shopping, and I hope that my kids enjoy it as much as I did.
We got to meet Jordan's teacher at Open House a couple nights before her first day. We took all of her school supplies and unloaded them at her desk. When we were done, I could not get her to leave. She wanted to stay in her classroom all night!
We made it to the school just in time, but not enough time for me to get to park, get three kids out, and walk her to her classroom. So, I just had to drop her off in front of the building and hope that she made it to her classroom okay. Fortunately, because her daddy works at the school, we have been there several times and she knew the way to her classroom. Even so, it was hard to watch her walk away all by herself going into such a big school.
I pretty much broke down crying--not because I'm sad to see her grow up--but because I had expectations of how I thought the first day would go and it didn't turn out the way I envisioned at all. And, I felt like a terrible mom just dropping her off all by herself. I'm so glad Justin was there because I texted him right away and asked him to go check on her because I was worried that she would get lost or something. A couple minutes later he sent me a picture of her in her classroom to let me know that she was doing just fine. He also sent me a picture during lunch time. What a blessing to get to be at school with her daddy!
So, instead of taking pictures before school, we did them after school. I'm extremely embarrassed to post these because I spelled kindergarten wrong on the little chalkboard. Oh, well.