
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rylie 1.6 years old

Rylie is growing up so big! I wanted to write a little post about what she's been up to at a year and a half. Rylie still has her spunky personality...she is really a lot of fun to play with! She also lives up to her last name---MOODY! She likes to do everything her big sister does, so it especially helps when Jordan does what she's supposed to:)
Rylie likes to bring me her pictures and say, "look...pretty!"

Some of Rylie's favorites:
1. her blanket! Can't sleep without it
2. babies
3. baths
4. wrestling--she says, "lay down!" and pushes your face
5. brushing her teeth (but not when mommy or daddy try to do it)
6. movies!
7. eating--likes just about everything but bread and bread-like products, totally the opposite of Jordan
8. washing her hands--really just playing in the water
9. playing with her big sister
10. rides in the stroller at school--if the teachers are only going to take the infants, they have to distract Rylie and sneak out without her noticing, or she gets very upset!

Some things about Rylie that I don't want to forget at this stage of her life:

Rylie loves to give kisses, and she's really good at it! She also says "I love you" in the cutest possible way, making the sign "I love you" with her hand (that could also be be misunderstood as a rival gang sign in the wrong company). She's a pretty big people person, and will pretty much go to anyone willing to give her some attention! She loves to sit in your lap and "read" books. She's becoming much more cuddly and loving as she gets older, especially with her blanket in hand. As I write, she's becoming a master at using the fork and spoon. I love it when something little goes wrong, but she very dramatically exclaims, "OH, NO!!!" And, over the past few weeks, she's had a vocabulary explosion...a skill that has helped dramatically decrease the fits of frustration in communicating wants and needs. She's also learned that when she cries, she must cry in her room because her parents are not going to listen to it. Rylie even appears to be on the verge of potty training, but I'm not quite ready for that yet:) Rylie makes me smile and thank God for his gifts every single day. She is my sweet, sweet girl and I love her so much!

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