
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Boaz is 1 year old!


Happy 1st Birthday to my sweet, sweet boy!  Boaz turned one on Sunday, January 6th.  I'm only a week and a half late in posting it!  That's not too bad, right?

I took some "official" one year pictures today.  I thought it would be fun to get him in the same tie, and use the bucket that he was in, for his six month pictures.

Have you ever heard of a smash cake session for a one year old's photos?  Well, I tried it on a small, low budget, no prop scale.  He was not that into it:(  He kept trying to get away from the blue frosting that was all over:)  

I also saw a cute idea for taking pictures of the one year old "cleaning up" after a smash cake session.  I KNEW Boaz would love that idea, so we did that too!  I just used the stuff from the kids' bathroom and a plastic orange tub we've had for awhile.  The bath pictures are my favorite:)

I'll post a one-year update later with pictures of his little party.  Love this little guy!

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