
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Banana Bread

Okay, I made some banana bread today...from scratch! It's my second "from scratch" food that I made recently. My first was chocolate chip cookies and we gave some away to our neighbors. I had a few bananas that would have normally just gotten thrown away because they were over-ripe. But, I checked out some recipes for banana bread and I found one that I actually had ingredients for. Nothing fancy, but it's a start!


Unknown said...

nice work! I've also found that if you don't have time to use those bad bananas right away that you can just stick 'em in the freezer and pull them out when your ready to make banana bread! I always do that so I have them on hand when it sounds good! :)

Unknown said...

do you peel the bananas first before freezing, or just put them in as they are?

Courtney W. said...

When we were growing up my mom used to slice bananas and put them in the freezer. They were a fabulous, quick, nutritious, and cold snack for hot summer days!

The Prudent Homemaker said...

It's easier to use them if you peel them before freezing.

Good job finding a recipe that uses ingredients that you had on hand! That's important; it keeps you from wasting time and gas to make special trips to the store. I have often altered recipes to suit what ingredients I had on hand