Nine years ago today, I married this guy...

...who thought it would be a great idea to propose to me in front of everyone at Christian Challenge (excuse the quality; it's a picture of a picture). Me, an introvert by nature, always nervous in front of a crowd, marrying an extrovert that is often the life of the party. The saying
opposites attract can describe our relationship perfectly. We were madly attracted to each other back then (and still are 9 years later;-). We often don't agree on things or understand the other person, but we always have been committed to our marriage and trusting God in the times where commitment was all we had. I am so thankful for the journey that we have been on together. God has done amazing things in our hearts over these years, and I am especially looking forward to what He will do in the years to come. Justin, you are a GOOD husband and I'm so thankful God gave me you. Happy Anniversary!

A recent family picture of us and our little ones on vacation in Chicago.
Hi Lesley and Justin!!
Happy Anniversary!!! Yes, you did find a very good man, and he found a precious wife!!
You will find with each moment, hour, day, month, and year you will discover more and more about each other...(Yeah, good, some not so good!!) But it's a constant learning relationship, and with GOD in your lives, you will be okay with each and every change!!
Congratulations , again!!
Marvin and Cindy Robinson <3 <3
Happy Anniversary! Love you guys!!!
Thank you for happy anniversary wishes! We had a good one!
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